Tuesday, 10 September 2013
When you open any social media online including twitter, facebook, linkend and others, all you are greeted with is sales pitches of "make money over night", "this money making system works like magic:, with everyone competing to show you how to make money online or offline or what works now.  Most of us have been victims of these get rich quick schemes and many are still falling for it even as you read this.

I learned some lessons very quickly from a Sage. If someone want to show you how to make money, he should be a living example of that. But the opposite it the case with failures sitting on the other side of the computer trying hard to make money from you by at least showing you how to make money. He is a complete failure.

Most times, these con artist go to a large extent of displaying the yacht, best cars and all good things of life they are enjoying. These are mostly graphics. And most of the times, "lazy" and low reasoning people fall for it. They look at the immediate and short cut method to becoming financially free. And end up into abysmal financial failure.

From my very vantage experience and a very careful reasoning, there is no short cut to success. It takes a small process today to build into a fortune. But come to think of it, while many are at cross road of what business they should run to be successful, others are actually living other people's dream. 

They are either going to school to read a subject or profession their parents told them was a great one for a successful career or are on a job that is not just their passion but for the money. They are enslaved and frustrated. Would-be successful business men and and women, working for others throughout their lives instead of living their dreams about everywhere. The above is not what I am dressing anyway, but I am addressing how to really get an insight into a business that is from God for you. I am not going to sound religious here, but if you are created with a purpose on earth, then there is a very great need finding that purpose. Yet, most of us don't bother doing this and we live life in frustration, anger, jealousy, want and lack. We just equate money with success and keep struggling in life when we should be enjoying it.

I have worked and ran my business based on people's perception and the news of what works, what is working and where the money is. I did this ignorantly over the years and most people are there now. I was in fortune, had the crowed and follower-ship. But each night as I retire, I don't feel fulfilled. That satisfaction was not always there inside of me, yet it was there on the  outside. Most fans want to be like me, but that was from my outside. I was failing. 

Having read lots of books on self discovery, they were helpful, but there was a missing link. They only provide the road map but not the real experience. I realized there is a very big difference between reasoning and catching up the real experience that changes our entire lives. These are the secrets that people like King Solomon, David, Abraham and Jacob caught and they were transformed.

At the point of my ebb, and defeated point, I was praying  and a flash came to me, like a meteor, a trance, or an idea. I do not know how to describe it. But it was God who was having me in an encounter that I was probing. I had for a month been praying and asking God what to do about any idea I could get. Not my idea as against what I have done for long, but God's idea. I needed an idea that God can give me to start that will bring me fulfillment and not necessarily all the money. Idea that brings joy, success, happiness. To Richard Branson who went from discovering a secret from small book and started Virgin Group of Companies from a small business to a global business, Bill Gates who droped out of school and bought a tiny piece of Softweare in the 70's and turned it into a global money maker in every computer that is purchased in the world, they all come differently depending on our belief system.

In carrying this idea that came like a flash, to the market place to have an impact on humanity first in terms of fulfilling and filling a need as well as bringing cash, I had to seek deeper and depended on Him who gave the idea all the way. I had to deny myself of immediate gratification to make a long time gratification when it comes. This is where we all fail in life. Most of us are not ready to deny the enjoyment of today for a full bliss of tomorrow's freedom.

If you have a great idea that will make you success and its truly coming from God, the following should and must be in place for you to implemnt and become successful in it.

So lets ask and asnwer some apparently non-spiritual questions? 
  • Do you have any experience within this industry (whatever industry their idea fits within)? If no, then there is the need for you to start searching and seeking. Get the required experience about this business. In my case, the yeast was not known to me. I had to go further to probe how to know and what to know about the yeast. 
  • Do you have a business plan? You must write down a business plan about that business idea. Put everything and every step on paper and follow it as a road map. Forget it! Even if its an online or offline business, you need a skeletal plan, no matter how.
  • How will you market it? Your marketing should be planed. The fact that its God's idea does not mean it will be a straight success. You have 100% effort and work to do. And listen to God all the way as you execute
  • Where is the capital going to come from? This is a critical aspect as without capital, business will not go on. But you see,  I have met many people who keep saying their idea never saw the day due to lack of finance. But over time, most of us have raised even much more than the capital for business unknown, the only reason being that it was not channeled to a purpose.
  • Do you know others with the expertise to help you?  Great men and women who are successful in their fields are looking for people to help. They are ready to help. In my case with the Yeast, I had it all free. The poor, angry and frustrated people are more interested in making money, but the successful are interested in helping others fulfill purposes. They are ready to help IF you ask. Therefore ask and it shall be given unto you. The best way to learn a new business is through participatory apprenticeship. You should be ready to go the extra mile to ask and participate.
The biggest mistake anyone can make is to believe that their idea will bring lots you of money because God is in it. No, it does not work that way.

When God gives us ideas, he gives us the free will to run it in His ways or our own way. No business will succeed without  good business practices and principles.

God doesn't often give us shortcuts. He expects us to be diligent to learn, put in long hours where necessary, use good business practices, bring in expertise (like lawyers and accountants) where needed. God isn't into "get rich quick" schemes.

Has God given you any idea? And how did you wne t about it? Or You have any question on this. I want to read your comment

1 comment:

  1. i learn that some time ago that things will not change for better until a positive mindset is channeled into it so, it take vision,dedication,passion, commitment and God's guidance.


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